Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just some new stuff

 This was something done for an artist I liked online.  I guess I'd been seeing her stuff since 2007 or so, it's like hearing about a party that happened a long time ago, like a 100 years.,  reading about it, or wishing you were there.  Then you finally get to go to it, I guess.

Next up is a small project I'm working on, it's called something like The Sightly Alphabet or The Alphabet of Sight.  I never really talk about it, but this is the lore that my characters AE OU and IY come from.  They were each  born from parenting vowels, and are themselves incarnates of the vowels that their parents were.  Each sort of dominionizes over a certain part of the world and culture.  Anyway, vowels are king.  Consonants are sub-rulers, like saints only with more power.  Everything's name is composed of letters, which respective rulers have control over.  Like guidances.

Here we have H, one I've been wanting to do for a long time now.  He's a pharaoh hound, and a rebel letter.  Names which do not serve AE, OU, or IY use the h as a 'schwa', as in the name Khrt, a banished character.
H's necklace is made out of a rough material, and also wears a headdress and some ear flair.
Next is S, not quite as finished.  She is greyhound; so far.  She has a meek and elegant personality, black with a few white spots.  She is well respected among the letters.  Her necklace is a silver hoop with a silver S.

These are fine and I'm open to suggestions.  A couple letters I have ideas for, and the rest I'm open to interpretation on it.
I s'pose that is enough lore for now ^^

1 comment:

  1. I'm very interested in your story, would love to see more development and concept art from it. :) I think it's a fascinating idea. I really love the shape of H's hind legs, they're so nuanced. I also like the necklaces your dogs have. :)
