Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's part of a thing

I'm doing with friends

Monday, February 13, 2012

Just Testin'

I'm too lazy to update all of my blogs separately, so I'm using Ping.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sort of Things

Haven't made a productive post in awhile but I started school so not much to report but lots of schoolwork : )

Picture did during July mostly; the 'Assassin' I played from Diablo II on those workless nights

Jack, follow up picture of Sean

Brown Eagle picture I snuck into my gallery, shhh.

My entry for the Wereweolf Calendar

Sketches during work,

Sean eating Ice Cream in a park.

Jack acting on the soul disease, breaking free of his friend's arms to commit heinous revenge for some of their deaths.

I kind of would like to paint some of them. Maybe sometime! Still working on the other silly comic.

I think I'm done doing the Werewolf Calendar, it really is a lot of time to do.
My work will be showing in Butte Montana soon. : )