Thursday, November 18, 2010

Final Cut

Slightly tweaked, but here it is:

Also, finished a petty peanuts commission for somebody; thus I just experimented until I was bored.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010



This was a piece I was working on the summer, during August.  It was the third piece I started I believe, after the first false-start and the Sakakawea picture.  I tried so hard to tie it in; but it seems the vision I had in my mind just wouldn't mesh right with the werewolf calendar theme.  I didn't really picture 'em being a werewolf of any sort anyways, and as usual my themes were pretty low-key and take some time to look at to really appreciate at all.  I think I was the complete nutjob of the contest; doing pictures with people in them and odd locations.  In any even, if this one was in the contest, it wouldn't have been chosen. I think I'm a bit anti-magnetic when it comes to concepts like werewolves; I always was..  When I get really excited, I just go off in the direction that looks best to me..  Here, I'm finally working on it again, because the setting is just so enticing to me.  I finally figured out why I disliked it so much; I drowned it in color!  I suppose when I thought I'd be showing it, only the most rainbow-minded people would like it.  (sad, but true..)  Now I drained almost every last drop out of it, and now I love it tons.  It fits my more serious side, especially, it matches his cold pent stare.  This is definitely something I'd rather paint.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A fish!

An odd commission I did for a customer, called a "piraiba", catfish from the Amazon : )  Always curious to do something strange.  I would like to do more fish or underwater things~!.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Some work done

Hey, got some work done!  The first is the most recent, I finished a half hour ago.  A commission for somebody on wajas,  ~ehhehhh how girly!  Sometimes I wonder why I accept jobs, then I remember it's the money.  Purple is the hardest color to work with, so I drowned the character in pink, orange, yellow, you name it.  Slightly self conscious about that.  But it ended up turning out okay, even if it looks like ice cream.
Second couple are some concept drawings I did for a game coming out.  Hardly think they are being noticed, but I guess it's being prolific for the sake of being prolific.  Art seems a lot like that, these days.  Waste a few days of your life and maybe somebody will pay you a minute.  Not that I'm complaining, I did enjoy it a little.

Last couple is a pair of the same application I sent wajas.  I ended up choosing the first over the second, although I still really like the second.  All that's different is the background.  I went for the slightly more trippy and surreal : )  I strategically placed the items/made them up to produce nice delicious harmony despite what may actually be in the picture.  Which is still good items in my opinion, I just can't speak for everybody.
Hope you like, stay tuned : )

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Finished 'Ambition'

And thar she is!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Now this one, finished.  Commission!  Done!

Friday, September 24, 2010

finished this as commission:
now fiddling with:
 work in progress
something based entirely on movement.
maybe finish..

Monday, September 13, 2010

More stuff

awoopsie, got to put that last one on there.

and this next one:

Finished and decided how I would finish them.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New much?

color explosion much?  But the background is in better harmony.  One day to go!
Check my channel on pandora, trillionh20.  It's the beast!

Sunday, August 29, 2010



it will never be done
Too many flaws!  I accept defeat before I finish.  But I will finish.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Unfinished version of my ww calendar picture.